Saturday, March 13, 2010

Let the creative juices flow!

OK. I made this card rather reluctantly because of the materials used. I purchased this amazing hymn book from Value Village a couple of weeks ago. As my cohort and I perused it, we realized that it was almost 100 years old. My friend Teri, being an English teacher, wanted to buy it just to save it because it was so old. I, on the other hand, not having read a book in I'd rather not say how long, didn't really care how old it was. It's only a book. Right?
Well, she decided she did not have to get it and I the opposite. Thoughts of cards danced through my head. Oh, the beauties I could make with this little gem. I could even make flowers and other embellies with it. So, I got it home and couldn't wait to tear into it. Sorry Teri!! I know it hurts, but think of all the beauty that can be made from it.

This second card I made just this afternoon. Again, I had someone in mind when making it. I wish this person had a couple more birthdays so I could give her more cards. Yes, I know, I don't have to wait until some one's birthday to give them a card. I think she is wonderful and beautiful and is obsessed with all things 'Robin's Egg Blue'!! Ya, you know who you are! Yes, I will inevitably give it to you, but it will be when you least expect it!

On a completely separate plane, we bought a new van. We upgraded from a tiny little hatchback to a monstrous Grand Caravan!! We love it. Can't wait to take a trip and really take advantage all the space it has.

Hope you enjoyed my rambling today. Take care and keep creating!



  1. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ that first card! That is soooo unique! Excuse me for a bit, I need to get a cloth....

  2. These cards are so beautiful!!!! What a find with the old music book. I'm a bit of a fan of old books and would not have been able to bring myself to cut into it. Having said that, you are giving it a whole new life and value!! :) Very green of you!!


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